Мобільний додаток

Клас предмета

За замовчуванням

Надсекретна зброя

Ліміти Float value

collection_iconThe Cobblestone Collection
collection_icon Випадає з 10 кейсів

Мінімальна ціна

$ 4 916.27
Подібні предмети
AWP | Dragon Lore (Battle-Scarred)
$ 4916.27

AWP | Dragon Lore

Про AWP | Dragon Lore

Влучання по тілу143 / 140
Влучання у голову459 / 448
Плата за вбивство$ 100 / $ 50
Магазин5 / 30
Ціна в середині гри$ 4750
Діапазон точності69 m
Темп стрільби41 shots/min
Швидкість бігу210

Skin history

AWP | Dragon Lore appeared in CS:GO on July 1, 2014. It belongs to The Cobblestone Collection that includes 15 weapon finishes related to the eponymous map. It was introduced to the shooter with Operation Breakout.

Pattern features

The sniper rifle's design is influenced by the art of the Celtic peoples. A serpentine dragon runs along the shoulder stock and receiver, exhaling bright flames. Its body is composed of intertwining Celtic knots.

Effect of float

Float Value of the item can vary between 0.00 and 0.70, allowing the skin to be obtainable in any exterior quality category. As the weapon wears down, its paint fades and gets rapidly erased. In the “Battle-Scarred” condition, the gun retains only about a third of its paint, but the dragon's flame-spewing maw remains visible.

Rarity and popularity

AWP | Dragon Lore belongs to the “Covert” rarity grade and is available in a souvenir version. The skin is popular among CS2 players, but only a few can afford such an expensive item.


Клас предмета

За замовчуванням

Надсекретна зброя

Ліміти Float value

collection_iconThe Cobblestone Collection
collection_icon Випадає з 10 кейсів

Мінімальна ціна

$ 4 916.27
Подібні предмети

AWP | Dragon Lore

Про скін

Про AWP | Dragon Lore